College Culture and the Campus
The focus is on equipping students with both the world-class skillset (tools) and mindset (GRIT) to perform well in classes, complete all of the requirements for their degree, and prepare them to get a great job when they get out. To accomplish these important achievements, they need to understand what college is like, how it’s different from high school or work, and how to get access to the resources they’ll need to be successful.
This article is actually the first chapter in a book but I found it helpful in getting me to think like my students. It covers strategies on becoming college-ready for both traditional and non-traditional students. Next year I would like to email this out to students at the same time I email their introductory email to the class. ~Wade M.
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The Case Against the Zero
Even those who subscribe to the “punishment” theory of grading might want to reconsider the way they use zeros...
Have you ever found yourself wondering why we give zeros? If so, take a gander at this article from 2004. ~Mary G.